Confirma el correo con el que te registraste en *
Which option best describes you? I own or work for a fashion company
I own or work for a company outside the fashion industry I am an experienced entrepreneur with sales, but no established company yet I am an entrepreneur looking for information to get started I am or represent a content creator or artist
¿Qué es lo que más te interesa de nosotros? Producción Paquetes de Asesoría Personalizada Cursos Todo
What’s the name of your company or project?
Brand's Instagram
How long has your brand or business been in the market? It’s just an idea Less than 1 year Between 1 and 3 years Between 3 and 5 years More than 5 years
How would you define your brand’s style? Fashion Streetwear (Urbano) Casual Resortwear Boho Luxury Swimwear Loungewear Activewear Workwear Kids Handmade Denim (Jeans) Other
How experienced are you in designing or manufacturing garments? Very low Low Medium High Very high
Do you have knowledge of fabrics and trims? Yes, I’m familiar with fabrics and materials, and they are already defined. Yes, I’m familiar with fabrics and materials, but they are not yet defined. No, I’m not familiar with fabrics or materials.
How many units per design do you manufacture or estimate to manufacture? Between 1 and 24 units Between 25 and 50 units Between 51 and 100 units Between 101 and 500 units Between 501 and 1,000 units More than 1,000 units Not estimated yet
Selecciona el rango de precio al que esperas vender cada unidad * Menos de USD $10 por Unidad Entre USD $10 y $30 por Unidad Entre USD $30 y $50 por Unidad Entre USD $50 y $100 por Unidad Entre USD $100 y $200 por Unidad Más de USD $200 por Unidad No lo tengo estimado
What is your budget for manufacturing with us? Less than USD $1K Between USD $1K y 3K Between USD $3K y 10K Between USD $10K y 25K Between USD $25K y 100K Between USD $100K y 300K More than USD $300K
How do you prefer to be contacted? WhatsApp Email Phone call Scheduled video call
Medio Aparel App Aparel Web Banner Contacto Form Deck Form Direct Email Facebook Feria Ferias Form GAT Web Chatbot GAT Web Private Label GAT Website Google Adwords Invitación Podcast LinkedIn Meta Ads Newsletter Form Phone Prospección Form Referido Form Referidos Television Website WhatsApp WhatsApp Form X [Push Notifications] My Website
Etapas Leads GAT A. Calificación B. Comité Calificación C. Primer Contacto D. Respuesta E. Reunión Exploración F. Espera Requerimiento G. Estimación Aparel H. Estimación Enviada I. Por Ingresar Estimacion J. Espera Estimacion K. Entrega Estimacion L. Descalificado GAT